New downloads page candidate, stress testing

Hello, gnumeric and gnome-web.

I'm preparing a new gnumeric downloads page.  The current version (sans
  the gnumeric web site addons such as navigation, header, etc. as well
  as sans whatever content updates need to come though) is available at
I've been testing it with Mozilla and konqueror, but I'd appreciate more
  stress testing by others.  It's straight HTML and CSS2, but there could
  be a problem in border conflict resolution in the tables, as well as
  colors resolution in the tables (one Mozilla bug has already been
  rediscovered).  [So far, konq doesn't seem to recognize the collapsed
  border model and other obvious stuff.  Or did I make a mistake?]
I'd also appreciate any feedback from the veterans out there regarding
  my code.  ;)
Thank you!

Joseph===============================================trelane digitasaru net
"That is the key to the real monopoly in Redmond. _They_ control your data.
 Their products have the content needed to do your work locked up in their
 semantics, and their binary formats. Before we can start creating a bold
 new world, we've got to free the hostage content."  --Jody Goldberg, on /.

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