Re: gnumeric 1.0.5 xml linking error

On 2002.03.21 09:20 Daniel Veillard wrote:

  If you have a /usr/include/libxml or /usr/local/include/libxml
subdirectory, you're in trouble. 
  Libxml1 includes are under $prefix/include/gnome-xml
  Libxml2 includes are under $prefix/include/libxml2

Any $prefix/include/libxml would be a remain of an old libxml
or libxml2 installation and must be removed.
Then make sure that xml-config --cflags and/or xml2-config --cflags
points to the right directories.

   What I did to get it working was first remove all the
header files for libxml1 and libxml2, by removing
/usr/include/gnome-xml and /usr/include/libxml

Then reinstall libxml1 (leaving the libxml2 .so libraries
as they were).  After that I deleted and re-untar'ed the
gnumeric source, configured, and it compiled up untill
the doc error.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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