Re: curve fit with guppi in gnumeric

On Saturday 06 April 2002 01:10 am, you wrote:
The short answer is you can't yet.

When gnumeric finally gets the graph componnent working, linear fits
will be possible to implement and may or may not actually be
implemented. I don't think this was ever meant to be a more general
fitting functionality but Jon would be the person to ask.

To not implement the linear fits, or any other polinomial fits in that 
matter, would be such a shame. If it had been proven to be possible to 
implement, why not? Sure, everything takes time. 
But so far, I have not seen a good spreadsheet with a user friendly plotting 
tools in linux. Sure there are some plotting tools available as stand alone, 
but to have it combine with a spreadsheet will be much greater advantage.

And please don't tell me to use staroffice. I choose gnumeric as spreadsheet 
anyday than staroffice. I think gnumeric is the best spreadsheet now. What it 
needs is the best plotting capabilities. 

Just my 2 cents.

Reuben D. Budiardja

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