desktop effects tab in appearance capplet


This has been done for openSUSE now, so all 3 distros (fedora, ubuntu
and openSUSE) now have their own solution :-) So I thought about working
on an implementation that would remove the need for each distro to patch
the appearance capplet, and wrote a first version of the patch:

after some talking with Thomas Wood, I wrote a second version:

and then Sebastien came into the discussion and we ended up with a list
of things to discuss in the mailing list. Since I had to leave the
conversation before it ended, and read the backlog this morning, I might
have forgotten something, so Thomas/Sebastien, please correct me where
I'm wrong.

* first of all, what should be done to choose compiz or metacity? That
is, a user would install a default desktop with metacity without
compositor (is that the case for Fedora and Ubuntu?) and when the user
enables the desktop effects, what should it do, activate compositor on
metacity or just run compiz to replace metacity? 

* Sebastien commented about Ubuntu wanting to allow the user to choose
profiles in this capplet, but it seems that a Customize... button on the
capplet that can launch a tool defined on a GConf key would be enough
for them. What about Fedora? Does having the simple enable/customize
thing in the capplet is enough ?

* The last version of the patch packs a lot the widgets, so we talked
about moving this
( )
to the interface tab.

* Also, the windows capplet should deal correctly with whatever WM is
running, or even this enable-desktop-effects thing should be moved
there ?

The bug is
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

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