Old problem (I think!) in the source archive

Dear Webmaster,
I've tried to work out *where* this problem belongs, and I've
given up... so I'm afraid I'm throwing it to you.

It's about gnome-core (I can hear you rolling on the floor laughing already), and the version is - er - unspecifiable (!), and it's not a problem with the sources, nor the documentation, nor anybody's distributed binary, nor with a source repository,
nor... um, well, you're beginning to see the difficulty!

contains a link saying 'LATEST-IS-'
But the latest is in fact 1.4.2, surely?

Nothing to do here but correct the link and let it propagate to the
mirrors.  Then wait seven years and see whether anybody notices
and/or cares...
Feel free to ignore this (after all, it's about as low on the priority scale as
can readily be imagined): but I would be annoyed with myself if I didn't
report it.

                                           Bernard Leak.

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