Re: confirm 192b57b780512902c050c1491c8cf805888de81f

Hi Quim,

I think bugzilla is ready to be our only resource to manage bugs. Can we
agree on this?

I think this is not as easy as it looks. I think if I look at the wiki I think there is a more fuzzy concept of a "bug".
I you mean classic bugs I could agree, meaning software errors. It is
different with more soft errors and feature wishes. I think a page
like: is also something what
classically has been handled by bug or lets say issue management

I think one of your goals is not loosing information but we also have
to consider that people always will put information where they feel it
fits. So I think we always have to do some work in translating
informations or discussion points. Personally I have a bad feeling
with those 183 mailing lists listed here: and also those many IRC channels

If the wiki would be considered a stable component I
would like to suggest to reduce the amount of mailing lists because I
think it is impossible for anybody to deal with the content of 183
mailing lists and to amke sure that no information gets lost. Maybe we
can close some very low traffic lists and create a wiki page for them?

So back to your point I think bugzilla could be THE thing for those
bugs that qualify as REAL bugs. I think we will never be able to make
a perfect distinction. but maybe we can make a page where we discuss
what we consider as a "bugzilla-ready bug"? 9
Jeff is the maintainer. Maybe Thilo could help here.

I would be happy to help.


GNOME Germany

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