Re: wgo Iteration I

On 06 Nov 2006, at 12:22, Quim Gil wrote:

it's possible to create a main_template and some basic templates

Do you mean we can have several templates prepared for secondary pages
and editors could choose a template when creating a page? For instance,
having 5 templates for case studies so they don't look all the same.

This would make wgo nicer. Editors could still be able to pick a "Empty
body template" and compose the body inside inserting images etc, but
lazy editors could just pick a template according to the materials
available (i.e. short text and 2 pictures) and go for it.

Or am I misunderstanding the "template" thing?

You are :-)
main_template is the Zope Page Template that defines the general layout in Plone for every generated page. It contains the main macro that sets up the different sections of a page (header, breadcrumbs, portal tabs, right and left slots, footer, etc…) by calling the needed macros.

The part of a page where the content of an object is displayed is called the Content Region.

There are a few products that let editors choose the general layout of the content region for certain type of documents, but I don't know if they are still actively maintained. If such functionality is requested for the the gnome web site, a product review would be necessary.


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