Re: Drupal as candidate to be challenged

En/na Claus Schwarm ha escrit:

> (although I wish he would document the progress in a wiki page). 

You're absolutely right. I've started

Feel free to wiki.

> The current way is not bad by definition; it's a mess but it works. But
> we could do lots of stuff before we *really* need to change its backend
> completely, IMHO.

I personally prefer to push the revamp process. Its more messy at the
begginning, yes, but it may bring us to the real solutions instead of
short term patches. I'm not against patching the current site if it
needs to, but most of the energies should be devoted in developing the
new, mid term solutions. Otherwise we might get double amount of work at
the end of next year.

> However, if we agree on a change: Why not make it a proper pitch? 

Yes, we need real and widely agreed steps forward.

Quim Gil -

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