Scrolling for Gnome Shell Extension Preferences Tool


I noticed the Gnome Shell Extension Preferences tool expands vertically
when the extension's preferences widget is displayed.  I tested the tool
at lower resolutions and smaller screens and found sometimes the
expansion prevents access to some settings.  I modified my extension
that suffers hidden settings at lower resolutions and submitted it for
review.  I did more testing and found other extensions that have the
same problem.

I made a small change to extensionPrefs/main.js on one of my
workstations which seems to have solved the problem at its source.

If this seems a reasonable solution please let me know and I will file a
Gnome bug report if necessary.

The following is from Gnome Shell 3.4.2. I looked at main.js in the git
repository and the current development version does not seem to have
changed from 3.4.

diff extensionPrefs/main.js extensionPrefs/old_main.js
<         let sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow({
<                         'hscrollbar-policy': Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
<                         'vscrollbar-policy': Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
<                         'hexpand': true, 
<                         'vexpand': true});
<         sw.add_with_viewport(widget);
<         sw.show_all();
<         this._extensionPrefsBin.add(sw);
>         this._extensionPrefsBin.add(widget);



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