Re: removing shut-down, log out, reboot,


2011/6/3 Sw@g <sweetthdevil gmail com>
The issue I have is the following, my pc is used at night to run various important (report and admin task) task and most of them I am not there to control it.

So I would like to be able to run a script to disable all possibility for the night user to either log out, reboot, or shut down.

There's a setting for that:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-log-out true

(the power-off item will still be available as alternative option to suspend, but it is prevented from working - I'll file a bug later)

Of course, running the above command can be reverted, so what you really want is to lock this setting - unfortunately, I have no idea how mandatory settings are managed in the brave-new gsettings/dconf world.


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