Request for a choice


I am using Fedora Core 15 and am not happy with the new shell.

I don't wish to start a flamewar so I'm not going to list any points
about it or waste time arguing about the details.  This link explains
how I feel probably better than I could myself:

I will just say that I sat down and used a Mac for 20 minutes the
other day for first time and it was weird but I ended up being able to
do things and to intuit what was required. I mean to say that I don't
think I'm being entirely change resistant.   I will also say that
there *are* problems with what went before and I think that there is
room for immense change although I think it's a hard thing to do.

The point I do wish to make is about how it is being done.  I have the
feeling of being offered no choice and being told what's good for me
or that I am old and set in my ways.  The Gnome alternatives are truly
not that great and it feels like there is nowhere to turn to that
isn't full of other problems. I think I'm going to have to go the
Compiz route but XFCE is the other possibility - although it looks
primitive it does work.

It is a comfortable situation to be able to tell users what they want
but most of us have to find ways to please them and win them over and
I would ask that with a change this momentous, that there be some way
to win people over.  e.g. I have never cared about gnome's choice of
email client or browsers or IM client because they were not compulsory
(and they are not very good IMHO either) but now we are into an area
from which there is no escape or choice as far as I am able to tell,
and this is a pity.



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