Proposal to change animation of minimized windows when going Activies -> Workspace


I think the way minimized windows are handled currently when animating from Activities to Workspace should be changed.

Here is a link to an animation mock-up I made (screenshots, Phantom2D) that shows current and the new, proposed behaviour:

1. Current Behaviour: Snap!-and-it's-gone.
Minimized windows first animate to position thay would have if they were unminimized and then just disapper. This can cause dramatic disorienting changes in the screen when minimized windows take full workspace when not minimized.

2. Proposed Behaviour: Minimize minimized.
Do minimizing animation for minimized windows when going from Activities to Workspace. All changes are fluid. The fact that these windows are minimized is communicated to the user.

Just see the clip. The way that the browser window just disappers is very unsettling compared to the proposed way of animating it away.

Janne Liljeblad

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