Re: voice commands in gnome-shell?

2009/5/8 José Luis Ricón <artirj gmail com>:
> I must say, Siegfried that the normal open-source speech recognition
> may not be as good as it should be, but when the vocabulary of the
> speech recognitor is reduced to
> (workspace,open,close,name,etc,firefox...) the quality greatly
> improves. This is feasible, and it will be matter of discussion on the
> Ubuntu UDS, btw.

Yes (at least for English, I think for most other languages we can
forget about it for now), this is why I was specifically quoting the
«"name workspace:  development", and watch the workspace name in the
panel» part. We can get some few "commands" to be recognized and do
something, but not recognize random words to name a workspace.

There are also solutions to easily create customized speech corpora
(and at least one of them seems quite good, but I haven't got to test
any of those yet). This would solve the problems with
internationalization and with people having weird pronunciation :P,
but I don't think this is something the average computer user will
want to do in the near future (of course this is only my personal
opinion, I may be wrong). If we used this ideally there would also be
an option to send the result back to Voxforge and contribute to the
"generic" corpora.

Despite this, I'd love to see more work in this area, I just don't
think it's ready for massive deploying right now (unless it's having a
few commands in English, but that isn't really that useful).


Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT)
Ubuntu Developer. Debian Contributor.

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