[gnome-shell-ext] 504 Gateway Time-out

I tried to upload an extension.  I got 504 Gateway Time-out's.  I went
to the review page and tried to post a note in the review on the failed
upload of the Activities Configurator.  When I submitted the review I
got a server time-out.  I noticed the changed files were
listed for version 81 and not for 82 and 83.  The url
will download the zip.  The downloaded zip installs OK.
I was trying to correct and error in the schema files due to an
error in my Makefile that created the zip for version 80.
Apparently something in the zip file for verson 81 was causing
your processing of zip file to have a problem.  Let me know if
I need to change something in the zip and resubmit.
The uploaded zip installs and works fine install. It corrects the
error that was in version 80.  Since the zip fixes the error I
wanted to fix I don't know what to do.



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