web site (was: Palm, evolution conduits and the web site)

On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 16:07 -0700, Nathan Owens wrote:

> Matt: since you have CVS access, should we putting something at
> http://gnome.org/projects/gnome-pilot? We'll need someone to maintain
it (and I'm not
> volunteering).

My CVS rights don't extend to the gnome web pages, but I'm sure any
requests would be applied promptly enough.

The wiki might be a good way to go, in which case we could ask that the
gnome project page be pointed towards the wiki.

I wasn't aware of the wiki page.  A bit of a shame as it a) doubts that
this list is active, b) suggests three 'possible future directions'
which have already been implemented in CVS (HAL integration, albeit
partial, pilot-link API porting, and not using /proc/bus/usb).

So, any volunteers to add stuff to the wiki?


Matt Davey		It takes one drink to get me drunk, but I can't 
mcdavey mrao cam ac uk 	     remember if it's the 13th or 14th -- George Burns

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