Re: Application Installation & Distribution

On Mon, 2012-10-08 at 11:31 -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-10-05 at 15:01 -0400, Allan Day wrote:
> >  * We need an app store. Having a centralised service for application
> > distribution would make it easier for people to find the applications
> > they are interested in, for us to generate revenue from those
> > applications (perhaps through donations that could be redistributed it
> > to 3rd party developers), and for handling application updates. The
> > app store can be online in the first instance. GNOME 3 will also need
> > a place where installed applications can be viewed and removed; this
> > could be part of System Settings or a separate application.
> A few questions:
> 1) Do we allow other sources?  Do we encourage it?  If so, to
>    what degree does that break the "centralized updates" story?
> 2) Does this GNOME app store allow proprietary software?
> 3) What is our set of acceptable Free/Open Source Software licenses?
> 4) To what degree do we expect software there to be reviewed? 
>    How much can we learn from  It's just Jasper
>    doing reviews, right?

And further than that, I don't think that GNOME as an entity (meaning
the GNOME Foundation) has the financial backbone or the staff to provide
this. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have it as a goal, I just want to
mention that we'd need to do work on the Foundation side as well for
this to happen.


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