Re: GNOME OS Goals

On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 2:54 PM, William Jon McCann <william jon mccann gmail com> wrote:

On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
I think we have to be able to define ourselves, our audience/category and our competitive advantage much more clearly than this.


To get people involved, to get downstream partners (distros? hardware vendors? who?) involved, to get users to use it, to get funding for hackfests, ...

If I don't understand what we are doing and why, then not only will I probably be less involved, but I'll be much less likely to be able to know who to approach about shipping GNOME or who to approach about funding GNOME. I'll have no way to explain to my friends and family why they or their companies should use GNOME. If that's not a problem, I can stop now and go work on something else.

I'm sure you have a vision. But all I'm getting is, we are working on making GNOME more application developer friendly, beautiful and user friendly. In an open source development environment. That doesn't paint a picture of a better world. It doesn't make me feel like I must have GNOME. It doesn't tell me what GNOME is going to be.

However, if nobody else chimes in, then maybe I'm the one that doesn't get it and I'll just step back and wait to see the magic happen.


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