Re: gtkhtml

>Things like this really bugs me, how many machines out there have gdkpixbuf and
>libart installed, but not gnome-libs? Very, very few is my estimate.

See, this is what bugs me.  Gtk is the widget set, and Gnome is the desktop
environment.  Widgets should be added to Gtk, not to Gnome.  Gnome should make
use of the Gtk widgets.  That tail is wagging the dog.

>Of all potential and current CSC/Pronto users how many of them will use GNOME
>or have GNOME installed? A very large perctange is my estimate.

Irrelevant.  A widget is a developer tool, not a political pawn.  Developers
are not going to use that widget just because it links to Gnome libs.  However,
they might fork it, or NOT use it because it does.  The developer community
would be better served with a strong Gtk rather than a weak Gtk and a bloated

>In other words, all the that this really brings is getting 95% of the
>CSCMail/Pronto's userbase to waste their diskspace in order to statisfy some
>weird phobia against libs with the name GNOME in them for the last 5%.

This was Havoc's argument.  Developers that are dependency-minded are "weird". 
If your application does not require the Gnome libs, then why link them?  So
you can be cool in front of your Gnome-using friends?

>This reminds me a bit of Gimp which also have talked about wanting to use 6-7
>of the GNOME libraries in their next version, but in order to keep their GNOME
>dependancy low, GNOME libs will not be one of them.

And this is a bad thing in your mind?  

>Who the hell are 'all' these people who have all these gtk and GNOME support
>libraries installed and who gladly will install 50 others as long as there is
>no GNOME dependency, yet who think GNOME libs will take up to much of their
>precious disk space.

It's not about me.  It's about my users.  I don't know what libs they have
installed, so I don't want to take my chances.  If I stick to stock Gtk then my
odds of having a happy user are increased.  If I want to make a Gnome app,
which I have, then I make sure to be clear about the dependencies.  I don't
call a spade a club...

>Just me wondering and feeling a bit sarcastic



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