Re: menu panel position bug

Chris Hippchen <>
>This morning when i logged in I was shocked to find my menu panel in the
>middle of the screen, off center.  Attached is a screen shot.  I have no
>idea what caused this,.  Removing the panel and then adding a menu panel
>does not put it where it belongs.  How can I fix this? (other than
>deleting my .gnome directory, I'd rather live without the menu panel)

I ve had the same problem over the week end. On my machine, it seems
to happen only if the panel is of the first type (sorry I forgot how
it s called... hmm... Edge Panel ?). Even saving the session with the
panel moved where I want it to be doesn't change anything.
I changed its type to the second one (Sliding Panel ?) and it
now behaves correctly. I am using (Gnome 1.2/)sawfish/RH6.0...

BTW thanks to those who answered my post (Where in the world is
Carmen sawfish ?). I had missed the sawfish-gnome package !


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