Articles due today (And misc. updates)

Good morning,

If you are writing or updating articles for our next edition, those
articles are due today.  Per my email earlier in this week, I was
recommending a May 15th publication date - so I think we have some
time built in if you need an extra couple of days.  If you do though,
please let me know so I can plan accordingly.

I have reached out to Jeff Waugh 3 times in the last week and a half
about moving GNOME Journal to the infrastructure.
Unfortunately, I have not received a reply.  If we don't make progress
on this in the next week or so, we will be publishing the next edition
in Textile, our current CMS.  (This also gives writers an extra few
days, if we use the current CMS we can probably the publish date

Josh Adams and his firm have volunteered to take a look at the current
Wordpress theme and some of the CSS work that needs to be done.
Vincent Untz has been helpful in tracking down where our files are on
the GNOME servers. I am hopeful a GNOME sysadmin will be able to get
us a copy of those files or access in the very near future.

I haven't received any feedback on the proposed release cycle - does a
60 day cycle sound good?  Do you think it's realistic and attainable?
If we agree to this, I'll need everyone's help, especially when it
comes time to call for new articles.  So if you microblog on Twitter
or, or have a blog, the more we can spread the word the



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