Re: Infrastructure | Move to (#731)

Title: GitLab

Andre Klapper commented:

I have written the code - working code under GNOME 41. See

That's great to hear. Usually branches and release tags are used for newer version, not new repos.

If you don't think it is worthwhile to work on Radio, please explain why Radio is not a useful application.

Nobody ever said so and nobody ever stated it's not useful. So I guess there is nothing to explain.

No, I have no questions to answer for.

That's your free choice, however that also means valid questions like "Is there some reason you don't feel Circle/ would be sufficient?" will remain unanswered.

Since there is no interest to work on Radio in the community

Previously in #731 (comment 1321669) you wrote "so the community can help build the Radio app for GNOME 42." Contradictory statements make it harder to follow lines of thoughts.

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