Names in .desktop files [wad: Use of the IM word in Empathy]

> In this case, the Name of the application is "Empathy", and its
> "GenericName" could be "Instant Messenger".

Btw, this is a question for translators, there is currently a proposal
posted to freedesktop to enhance the spec with a new "FullName" key,
as naively combining Name and GenericName wouldn't work in all
languages; it would be quite helpful to have some concrete examples.

For example, in French, it wouldn't be "Name + GenericName" (ex:
"Rhythmbox" "Music Player") but "GenericName + Name" (ex: "Lecteur de
musique" "Rhythmbox"), and that rule (afaik) would work in all cases.

Would such a simple rule exist for all languages?



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