[ANNOUNCE] Brasero-0.7.0 released and branched

Hi everyone,

This is a repost as the first mail didn't reach the mailing list.

brasero-0.7.0 was just released. This is the new stable version of brasero. It can be grabbed at ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/brasero
Brasero has been branched just before the release. So if you are interested in translating brasero, please use branch "brasero_0_7". Trunk shouldn't be translated as development will start again.

Since the development started more than 90 bugs where fixed in this stable series.

Notable changes since 0.6.0:

- Migrate to GtkTooltip API.
- Brasero now requires Gtk+ at least 2.11.6.
- New Plugin system for burning backends.
- Inhibit/Uninhibit system with Gnome Power Manager via DBUS.
- Support for libburn 0.4.0.
- Support for libbeagle 0.3.x.
- Split audio tracks.
- Improved look to get with HIG.
- Preview widget improved.
- Better handling md5sum on files.
- Scsi library bugs fixed (and also pre-MMC2 drives supported).
- Added an option to choose the number of media to burn.
- Added configuration option for temporary files
- Added button to configure audio levels in preview

Huge thanks to all the people who contributed to this release through patches, translations, advice, artworks, bug reports.

What is brasero ?

Basically, brasero is a CD/DVD mastering tool for the GNOME Desktop. It is designed to be simple and easy to use. If you want to know more see below:
Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/projects/brasero and gnomefiles.org

Please report bugs to: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=brasero

Mailing List for User and Developer discussion: brasero-list gnome org

Svn Repository: http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/brasero/

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