Re: Pashto Translation Team of Gnome

On 8/31/06, Mohammad Khalid Ameery <khalid paiwastoon com af> wrote:
Dear GTP members,

I have noticed that you have a Pashto Translation Team for Gnome
Translation Project. But I noticed that The name for that team is
"Pusto" which is wrong. The right spelling for this is "Pashto" which is
used every where and is also right according to Spelling rules.

The ISO 639 registration authority uses the "Pushto" spelling for this
English language name (see
In GNOME, we use the ISO 639 spellings of language names in English.
So if you want to change this, please convince the ISO 639 authority.
Then, when they have adopted their recommendations, we can change to
use the other spelling in GNOME.

What do
you think, is name of the team changeable or we should create another
team for this. I have sent and email to Ismail Maskani who is the only
coordinator at the Pushto Team to add me to this team, but I have no
reply from him. I want to start translation immediately because nothing
is done in Pashto translation yet. what should I do?

Keep bugging him. If you get no reply, please let us know, and we'll
halve to resolve this some other way.


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