Re: scroll bar and drop down list usability

One argument against scroll bars on the left is that it makes selecting text
near the left edge of the window more likely to result in accidentally
scrolling. Selecting text near the left edge of the window is far more
common than selecting text near the right edge of the window (because the
left margin is usually flush where the right margin isn't, and because
selecting from the beginning of a line/paragraph is a common case).

I used a text editor once that I liked very much except that it had the
scroll bars on the left. I constantly miss-clicked by a pixel or two and
wound up scrolling. It was bad.


on 5/3/00 11:02 PM, Mark Bullock at wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> It increasingly strikes me that scroll bars should be located on the left
> side of windows rather than the right.  The same is true of the button which
> displays the list for drop down list controls.
> Of course I'm assuming a left-to-right language, like english.
> My cursor is usually close to the left side of the page.  Why not put
> commonly used controls nearby?  That would make my wrist happy.
> Even better would be a configurable option for the placement of these
> things.  And there are undoubtedly others I haven't considered.
> Thanks, Mark Bullock
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