Possible typo in gnome2-system-admin-guide

During the translation of gnome2-system-admin-guide, a member of the Greek team
noticed that in

    <para>Desktop entry files must reside in the
    <filename>$XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications</filename> directory and must have a
    <filename>.desktop</filename> file extension. If
        <para>$XDG_DATA_DIRS is the environment variable defined in the <ulink
        url="http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/basedir-spec";>XDG base
        directory specification</ulink>.</para>
      </footnote> is not set, then the default path is
    <filename>/usr/share</filename> is used. This also implies that user
    specific desktop entries may be located at
    <filename>$XDG_DATA_HOME/applications</filename> which is
    searched first. If <envar>$XDG_DATA_HOME</envar> is not set, then the
    default path <filename>~/.local/share</filename> is used. Desktop entries
    are collected from all directories in the <envar>$XDG_DATA_DIRS</envar>
    environment variable. Directories which appear first in
    <envar>$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS</envar> are given precedence when there are
    several <filename>.desktop</filename> files with the same name.</para>

the '$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS' near the end of the paragraph should be
'$XDG_DATA_DIRS instead.
It appears this is a copy-paste error while writing the documentation.
Could you please verify? If so, I can bugzilla this.


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