Re: [gnome-db] Libgda V3.99.4 on win32 using MinGW/MSYS

2008/9/17 Brecht Sanders <brecht sanders org>
I just tried to compile the new new libgda v3.99.4 on Windows using MinGW/MSYS.

You mean you're not cross compiling, right?

However I got stuck in the tools directory. Here's the error:
  gda-sql-res.rc -o gda-sql-res.o
  ./gda-sql-res.rc: AppIcon: command not found
  make: *** [gda-sql-res.o] Error 127
I see the following problems:
- in tools/Makefile there is a line:
 which should probably be:
  WINDRES = windres

I have:
WINDRES = /usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-windres
which is set up automatically

- the file tools/gda-sql-res.rc contains only one line:
  AppIcon ICON "gda-sql.ico"
 it refers to Windows icon file gda-sql.ico which is not included in the tarball.

Ok, I'll correct that ASAP.

- when commenting out all the windows resource stuff there were some undefined references that were fixed by setting
  LDFLAGS = -lreadline -lcurses
 in tools/Makefile

I don't have this problem.

Apart from that I got it all compiled just fine. However I have only tried with these providers:

For my own information, could you be more specific about how those providers worked?

Thanks for the report!


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