Re: Postgres bonobo controls


> I've had some difficulties to compile the latest CVS version og gnome-db with
> gda-dev: we should modify the to include -lxpm to
> gda_builder_LDADD and also with glade.
I can't understand why it needs xpm in your system, in mine it compiles
ok without it, although I've got installed, but 'gnome-config --libs
gnomeui' does not even show it. And the gda-builder just uses the GNOME
API, there are no calls to this library. Any idea on what may be

And, I also don't understand what you mean by 'also with glade'.

> > Only one thing, how do you want the gda-manager to ask the user for
> > these properties? I was thinking on adding a list beside the control so
> > that you can set them from there, and an Apply button which will set the
> > boolean to launch the control.
> >
> I've seen your modifications to gda-manager, and the properties dialog. However
> I wonder if it is a good thing to let the users manipulate these properties
> (IMHO they are made to be controlled by the app which embeds the control, to
> configure what the user sees, not to be set directely by the user, that's why
> to test the properties in an easy I have written the gda-controls-browser app).
> What's your opinion on this?
You're right, specially since I didn't find this solution very good,
since it will show even the 'apply' property we talked about, which
would be quite ugly.
But I can't find a way to ask the user for the username and password,
except the way you've done for the Postgres components (the frame with
the user and password entries), and this solution looks to me a bit
weird, since you are repeating the same stuff for each of the
components. Any idea?

> BTW, have you been able to set/get properties values of bonobo controls (not
> the postgres ones because these functions are broken)?
Didn't try it, because when I finished the properties dialog, I didn't
know if this was the right solution for the properties, as I said
before. I must confess that I'm a bit lost on this, I don't know (or
haven't had time to think about) how to implement this. I've even
thought the other day about adding a open-connection-like dialog when
the component is activated (set_frame_cb), and prompt the user there
about the properties needed for activating (each component will have
their own) the component. Then, we could define a set of common
properties separated from the 'activation' properties.

So, please share your ideas on this (not only Vivien, but everybody else
also, please).


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