Re: Postgres bonobo controls

Vivien Malerba wrote:
> Hi!
> I've just commited the postgres bonobo controls. They include  the framework to
> update each other. Unfortunately, there is still some work to be done on it,
> the controls are still a little buggy, and I won't have time do to it before
> tuesday.
I've added the loading of the BonoboControl properties in the
gda-manager sources. Now, we should define the properties:

>For every control:
>* the DSN
>* the user and password
>* a boolean which when set to TRUE will 'launch' the control (by populating the
>entries,...) This can be done once the properties mentionned above are set. If
>the control is already running, then it will refresh it.
>* a boolean to show/hide information about the user (by default, the user and
>password can be changed for each control using text entries in the widget, to
>act as a different user for different operations)
I agree

>For the users list control:
>* the user name (so that the control can show information about this specific
>user right away).
>For the groups list control:
>* the group name 
>For the users rights control:
>* the object for which we want the information
I also agree

> So, Rodrigo, if you could wait until wednesday to make the new release, I would
> have time to polish that a little.
perfect, I'll wait. Also for adding all the missing properties stuff to
the gda-manager.

Only one thing, how do you want the gda-manager to ask the user for
these properties? I was thinking on adding a list beside the control so
that you can set them from there, and an Apply button which will set the
boolean to launch the control.


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