Re: Fighting with the screensaver.

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Richard Hughes <hughsient gmail com> wrote:
> 2009/11/13 Frederic Crozat <fred crozat net>:
>> gnome-screensaver (or now gnome-desktop if xrandr gamma part landed in
>> it) needs to be fixed to correctly save LUT before fading gamma at
>> screensaver startup and restore it when it quits.
> Or, gnome-screensaver could just call gcm-apply which resets everything as well.

While these are all solutions, the short term workaround is simply to
not use a screensaver, and only have display power saving enabled :)

I know it's lame... but screensavers don't have any real function any
more, or do they?

Pascal de Bruijn

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