Re: Award for GOPA

Exciting stuff! Congratulations to everybody involved.


On Fri, 3 Oct 2008, Willie Walker wrote:

Woo hoo!  Way to go gnome-accessibility folks!  This is really exciting
news and makes all of our hard work worthwhile.

What it is also showing is that we're becoming much more tightly
integrated with the mainstream developer community.  This is key to our
future.  That is, we have two choices:  1) the intractable status quo,
which is the continual frustrating reactive work to figure out how to
make new technologies accessible while also chasing constant
regressions, or 2) ingraining accessible design in the minds of
mainstream developers.
GOPA is helping us accomplish #2, and we're already seeing it with
people such as the gnome-session and gdm folks reaching out for
accessible design ideas for the gnome-session and gdm rewrites.  This is
a very positive shift, and I'm loving it.  One day, we'll reach that
tipping point where accessible design is just a natural part of
everyone's thought process.


On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 14:37 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
Hi all,

Last week, during the Paris Capitale du Libre event, some awards were
given away to various projects/companies/people in the free software
world. Those are the Lutèce d'Or [1].

We filled an application for the best action lead by the community, and
applied for GOPA (GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility). The goal was
to explain our efforts in promoting accessibility.

And it turns out we won :-) [2] Christophe Fergeau went to the ceremony
to receive the prize and wrote a small report [3].

We're trying to write press release around that. So if anybody wants to
help, that'd be great! I'd guess we might want a quote from someone
working on a11y...



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