Re: Forming an Accessibility Steering Committee


3) What do you see that is blocking progress (or hindering acceptance)
    of GNOME a11y.  What do you think could be done to improve things?

The issues I see when promoting Open Source a11y around the UK
(, senit, are that with a few

1) users including clinicians and suppliers don't see Linux as a option
2) support organisations are concerned about the cost of having
another OS to support, especially one with many flavours.
3) residual erroneous fears about open source

I think Willie is right in saying that it really needs
evangelism/marketing effort in order alter opinions and get the great
work in GNOME to the users who can benefit.

As Linux becomes a real option for consumers it would be fantastic if
those needing accessibility were drawn to it as it provides the best
options. e.g an eye tracking system would be a winner as commercial
systems are so expensive

Perhaps it would be useful if someone put together some marketing
information comparing how much it costs to make a Windows or MacOS
machine as accessible as Linux is for free.  It would be handy to put
together the cost for different kinds of accessibility use cases.

I think it would be useful to frame Linux a11y as being a vehicle
for providing affordable accessibility to the world.  Many people
with disabilities cannot afford expensive software.  Providing free
software solutions opens new opportunities for people with disabilities
to find jobs and to interact with people.  We should make more of an
effort to push the humanitarian angles of Linux a11y.

It is my understanding that MSAA (MicroSoft Active Accessibility)
doesn't work with common programs like Office, and that users need to
buy special MSAA-enabled versions of Word Processors, Spreadsheets, etc.
I would think this would make setting up a functional a11y Microsoft
machine quite expensive.  No?

Considering that in the U.S.A. Section 508 requires that publicly
funded institutions (such as libraries and schools) need to provide
accessible access to the internet, it would be helpful to show the
cost savings using Linux based a11y solutions.

I'd think this sort of information would make sense to include or
reference prominently on the Wiki and in other GNOME marketing


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