Feature Request: double-clics in oOo writter

Hi all,
	I'd like to point out several lacking features in Orca:
1) In OOo Writer and flat review mode, suppose we have a line:
"Hi all. $l" (the two last chars are Orca's EOL marker.
And Suppose the curser is onto the "H" of "Hi". We cannot, just using 
the routing cursor, move it to the very end of the line in order to 
append charac!ers. It's allowed to click until the "." but it would be 
great to be able to go one char forward to append what we want.

2) In Gnome-Terminal, do you think it can be possible to replace the 
"click" action of the routing cursor by inserting escape codes to make 
the cursor jump to what we want ? It would be useful for example , using 
Emacs or some kind of Console editor within a X terminal.

3) Would it be possible to see the selection in Braille ? For example 
with dots 7 and 8 either on or blinking at a certain rate? This is 
necessary again in OoO Writer to see which text we are working on. 

4) (may be a bug but cannot test until 3) resolution): When we 
double-click with a routing cursor on a Word, it should select the whole 
word (in editors and also OoO).


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