[g-a-devel] Render or preview SVG when searching directories inside application

This is a first post, please bear with me.

"Render SVG when searching directories inside application" is essential functionality if our community** is to benefit from mainstream authoring tools.

SVG is previewed or rendered when searching directories

however when searching from within an application SVG is not currently rendered or previewed.
at least in the applications I tried.

It would be helpful if, when searching directories or folders for files to open, the
SVG was rendered as happens with gifs and other image formats when using File Open 

For example when composing a new email, people who are pre-literate need the SVG preview to know which graphic to select as an inline attachment.
for example:

The render of:

as compared against the text label: Thundery-shower.svg

the three email applications, Mail.app, Thunderbird, and OperaMail either already do or soon will support SVG inline.


Jonathan Chetwynd
Accessibility Consultant on Media Literacy and the Internet

** just one email I received recently, requesting continuing interest in the development of suitable authoring tools:

"Absolutely! The largest single group of pupils with additional support needs
in Scotland are those with moderate/severe learning difficulties (25%), who
are likely to benefit from symbol support...."

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