Re: GNOME user environment brainstorming

I agree that there ought to be some central icon or whatever that draws
attention to itself as being the place to go in order to use this
computer. I personally like the menu panel up top that ximian offers as a
option. It seems to be pretty straight forward and intuitive. It's not a
"start here" but it's the only english/writing on the desktop and it makes
sense. However, it could be organized much better. However, if you really
want to go with the "start here" single style button option, I hope to god
you don't use the word start or any other such words. If you must use such
a word, at least make it "action" or some original word that is also
intuitive.  If such a button is to be the foot, then perhaps the foot
should spin around (to draw attention) in a environment mapped fashion,
have "action" or some other word off to the side of it, and have the whole
thing flash for 4 or so seconds on startup and on first mouse move for any
time periods greater than 5 minutes or so. However, it shouldn't be a
annoying flash that will piss people off. A slight, not bright, and
conservative flash should be good enough to draw attention to
itself.  Another issue I have is the desktop icons. Desktop icons are nice
for the normal user but they can get in the way at the same time. They are
rather annoying to look at constantly. It would be nice if there was some
way to fade the icons in and out of view upon desire. We would have to be
careful with this feature though in order not to confuse anyone. If this
is to be done, it should be more than obvious on how to fade the icons
back into view.

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