Glom on Mac OS X

Like I previously did with Gnumeric, I could successfully package Glom as a Mac OS X native application.
Same process, it has been built on top of MacPorts libraries.
It works roughly well but may crash. It is based on the 1.28.9 version which corrects quite a lot of bugs and 
is partly localized. Glom 1.28.9 uses PostgreSQL 9.4. It doesn’t have Mac OS X native help support cos’ help 
isn’t enabled but it can use the native built-in help with just a simple shell script like I did for Gnumeric.
It does have PostGIS 2 support for ones using GIS databases. It is lacking of a native Mac OS X integration 
too, such as global menus but does have some native shortcuts keys.
I am working thoroughly on it too because it is a great PostgreSQL databases management software with a very 
simple form GUI.
If you're interested in trying it out, or to improve it, the package can be downloaded there:…/Glom-1.28.9-postgis.7z

Gnumeric for Mac OS X

Glom 1.28.9 - GUI

Glom 1.28.9 - Start page

Glom 1.28.9 - List view

Glom 1.28.9 - Form view

Glom - Form settings

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