[Glade-users] stock-buttons don't display images


(Posting this mail back to mailing list too.)

Here it's my gtkrc (I didn't know its existence!):

gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"
gtk-button-images = 1

Simply tow lines...I've found it in Gtk+\etc\gtk-2.0.

Are there any files to modify? Or maybe this is not the file that gtk
uses to initialize itself?

This is system-wide rc file. Each user can have it's own rc file in
home folder. Is this file present on your system:

C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\.gtkrc-2.0

If it is, what does contain? Try adding that line I mentioned before
inside this file too and see if things get changed.

Tadej Borov?ak
tadeboro at gmail.com
tadej.borovsak at gmail.com

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