[Glade-users] my first application

Hello all,

there is one of my own programs. i'm going on with glade 0.6.4
i'm using http://www.linux-kheops.com/doc/gtkperl-tutorial/node1.html to=20
perform the iptables program as like as its home says=20

the first and only one thing i must do, is taking time for making=20
anonymous@cvs in my machine :-) (lot of water under bridges)

I have a little problem for understanding the upgrade method when=20
program is builded again when i disturb all the ui and add signals, but=20
i've found a solution. diff, rm, patch, cp and so ...

oh, actually i've found the source of my problem with 'main_window' who=20
stay 'window1' in bin/projet .. i rm the xml logs and all other files=20
before building. It's nearly the prior trouble source, but i not found=20
any other solution.

have a nice WE

R=E9aliser, c'est admettre de faire une oeuvre imparfaite.

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