[Gimp-user] Text gets enlarged automatically upon ...

Not 100% sure of what you have done but first a guide to those layers

First screenshot

1. Get this out the way, a non-active text layer, moved partly off the
canvas, dotted line shows the boundary and if you look at your
screenshot you see the top of the text slightly clipped.

2. The text tool options dialogue sets the properties for the text
layer Font, size, colour, anti-aliasing (does anyone turn that off?)
kerning, character spacing. Change these values and all text on the
text layer is affected.

3. The on-canvas text tool dialogue will initially reflect the Tool
Options. Selecting characters on canvas and individual (or groups) of
characters and properties can be changed.  The position of the cursor
does show the relevant properties.

That is the basics and you do need to understand how Gimp works.  

Second screenshot

4. Any graphic editing on a text layer and it then becomes a regular
bitmap. This one the GEGL drop shadow.

5. The layer dialogue now shows the change from text to raster

Third screenshot and a maybe this is what you did.

6. New day with a different computer or different setup. Open the
image, use the text tool on the raster layer. Gimp has some text
information, but has to discard any effects to get back to a text

7. Selecting Edit will discard the drop shadow effect and return to
original state.

Fourth screenshot

8. Now have the text layer back, the text icon is there. --- but ---
The font Albertus used initially is no longer there. (Either removed
or a different computer.)

9. The now non-existent font is replaced by the system default ( in
this case Standard Symbols)

10. Part of it is still there, the Century font for the magenta 'E' is
there and is used.
The on-canvas tool does not control antialiasing.  If the text looks
'blocky' then usually it is very small with insignificant
anti-aliasing and not much can be done about that, or it is the font.

Need a plugin to show text properties that might still remain on a
raster layer?


look for text-info-0.1.py well down the list (dated 2014-08-26)

thanks for taking the time to explain - much appreciated 

chrisj (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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