Re: [Gimp-user] Filters etc always going to the background

On 03/06/2017 11:54 AM, Paul Thornton wrote:

This is my first post here, so hopefully the right area.

I think this is the right place.  But first we need to know, what
operating system are you using (name and version number)?  And, if your
desktop interface has any major options (i.e. "standard" vs. "classic"
in Windows) which you are using.  Odds are someone with the same setup
as you knows the answer to this.

In the meantime, alt+tab is your friend...


I seem to be having an issue with Gimp, that when I open a filter (any of
them), the window always goes to the background and I either have to click
it on the task bar or swap to that window.

I have looked everywhere for options to see if I can change this behaviour
and tried to google / view archive for this specific issue, but cannot see
one, so maybe it's just me.

I think my Gimp Version is 2.2.18

Does someone know what may be causing this please as I believe a previous
version I used to run, the popup's would always appear in front of the main

Thank you,

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