[Gimp-user] Move a portion of an image

Thanks for the detailed reply.  The grey area of the selected item was left
after I used cut to remove the figure that I wanted to move.  Your procedure
using copy instead of cut works for me up to step 4, but then I cannot find a
way to remove the original figure that I have copied.  Paint and bucket fill
have no affect, and when I move the pointer to the image it shows a little
circle with a backslash to indicate that those functions are not allowed.  'fill
whole selection' is enabled.

I am attaching two screen images.   One shows the original image that I need to
change so the letter E will be evenly spaced with the rest of the letters.  (I
am trying to create a logo for a community radio station.)  The other image
shows the letter E after it has been copied and I cannot find a way to remove it
at the original location.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/499/original/BeforeImage2017-03-05_081352.jpg

LloydEwing (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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