[Gimp-user] First-time question - Gradient background for a banner...

Summary of question -- I need help in creating a gradient background image
in GIMP Portable 2.8 on Windows 10  to be used as as a banner image in a
NetObjects Funsion 11 Template.

More Details --
I am trying to create a banner background similar to the attached file
Home_NBanner.gif ... which was part of a Wheat Template for NetObjects

I want to call my new template Hops, but I first need to create a banner
background... and I am getting stuck on creating a gradient background file.

Based upon a logo file, I think that I want my gradient to run from white
to either (in HSLRGB) 45-2-4-75-131-147-12 or 44-11-168-202-209-131... a
darker green and a lighter green from the logo.

I will rotate at angles and paste the logo onto the banner like the fluffs
of wheat are in the attached banner...

At the moment, I am stuck on creating the gradient background for the my

Barry Smith
e bnsmith003 gmail com

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