[Gimp-user] AMD Vs intel + Questions to PC

Hello fellow Gimp users, I have been kind of a lone wolf when it comes
to GIMP have been using it for 3-4 years now and am so thankful it has
grown so much. Thank you to all the people who give there time and
energy to making all of this happen.

Now to my question:

I was looking at buying a new computer I have come to the point where
when edit my images I am at 6-8 GB's.

I was looking at Intel I5 and AMD CPUs and I am not sure which to pick
esp. regarding the Graphics card.

I was also thinking of adding 8gbs of Ram 1600 

So in general I simply have questions on how my New computer should
look like.

Another though was if I do get the i5 I would need to down the Graphics card
because of money so would that be smart? Get a worse graphic cards and up to a

I know in the coming up Gimp graphics cards will play a big role.

The image below shows the specks I was thinking about? 

(Ps Any have exp with Biostar mobo?)

Thank you so much for your time, this isn't to organized because I
don't fully know what to ask :)

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/186/original/comp.PNG

knowthyself (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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