Re: [Gimp-docs] [Gimp-web] Proposed gimp tutorial

Thanks so much for your contribution!  I downloaded the PDF and ODT copy.  I plan on going through it and learning about it :D

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 9:19 PM, Stephen Kiel <snick kiel gmail com> wrote:

I finally finished the tutorial that I was talking about with you a couple
of months ago.  You mentioned then that I could either send it in Word
Processor format or take attempt to convert it to HTML.

Which of the two methods would be easiest for you?  I am not sure if it is
easier to fix a document that I might get partially 'right' or just start
from scratch.  Maybe you could take a look at it and give me your opinion
on the best way to proceed.

I have it on a share at

You should see the file AutomateEditingInGimp.odt and the corresponding
.pdf file.  It was written using LibreOffice Writer.  The jpeg pictures in
the same directory.  The code examples are in the directories plug-ins and

I was able to get html directly out of Writer that looked real good in
Firefox, I just don't know if some of the tags might cause problems within
the help system.  If not, the job could be easy!  One problem that I did
notice with the automatically generated html was that the images were no
longer centered, but other than this issue, it looked good, and the links
seemed to work.  If you want me to generate a copy of the html, let me know.

The tutorial is kind of long, wish I could have made it shorter, but since
it uses some Gimp features that aren't documented elsewhere, I had to
expand on them.

Anyway, let me know if there are issues or feedback and whether you think
it would be better for you to format the tutorial or if you want me to take
a first pass at it.


Stephen Kiel

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Pat David <patdavid gmail com> wrote:

> If you want to keep it in a word processor, I can just translate it from
> there.
> You can also use google docs if you want to share it with my acct through
> there.
> On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, Stephen Kiel wrote:
>> Pat,
>> That sounds great.  I will plan to write in a word processor (with a
>> spell checker) & then dump it into bluefish to add the html tags.  If that
>> works it should make the whole authoring process pretty straightforward.  I
>> would prefer to stay in a word processor form rough to final draft &
>> minimize editing of the html for of the document in order to avoid
>> accidentally goofing up the closures.
>> I am on my way out of town for a couple of days as well, I will touch
>> base again when I get closer to a finished tutorial.
>> Thanks,
>> Stephen
>> On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Pat David <patdavid gmail com> wrote:
>>> Just stick to clean, plain HTML and you should be fine. Style inline if
>>> you want, I'll move it to an external style sheet anyway.
>>> You can publish screen grabs if gimp non problem I believe. Someone may
>>> correct me.
>>> I'll be out of town for a few days, but just hit me up when you're ready
>>> for testing.
>>> --
>>> pat david
>> --
>> Stephen Kiel
>> 26602 Strafford
>> Mission Viejo, CA 92692
>> *Mobile/SMS (949) 702-1993 <%28949%29%20702-1993>*
>> Home (949) 367-2915
>> snick kiel gmail com
> --
> pat david

Stephen Kiel
26602 Strafford
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
*Mobile/SMS (949) 702-1993*
Home (949) 367-2915
snick kiel gmail com
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