Re: [Gimp-developer] feature request: forget about the goat (somewhat translation related)

În data de Fri, 22 May 2020 01:51:43 +0200, Jehan Pagès a scris:

Basically in the future, this plug-in will be a looot more
interesting, self-explanatory and better labelled.

Hopefully ...

Are you asking this as one of the translators of GIMP?

Yes (for Romanian)

Now I agree that the plug-in is not self-explanatory enough in GIMP
2.10.x and I understand that people will wonder what this filter is
exactly. [...] This is passed, it has been like this
for 2 years already, nobody ever complains of it (and if they don't
get it, a simple web search or asking on a forum like in your link
and they can get their answer), [...]

What relevant answer can one get by searching (without quotes) "gimp promener une chèvre" ? Or "gimp 
esercizio per capre" ? Or "gimp Потренировать козу" ? Or "gimp ejercitar una cabra" ? And so on. At most they 
will only find references to the corresponding msgstr source code for their language.

Yet if anyone were to propose some patch to goat invasion, possibly
to make it work the same on GIMP 2.10.x as it does now on master
(it's not just a simple cherry-pick as we changed the API, but it
should not be too hard anyway), I would gladly accept the patch.

Not sure I understand what you mean, but I only complained about the name (menu name and its tooltip), not 
what it actually do (by the way, I don't know what this plug-in actually does, except that it's something 
about a work out in conjunction with a goat, but still I didn't understand if the work out (the exercise) is 
done by the owner of the goat, or by the goat itself :)


Cristian Secară

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