Re: [Gimp-developer] Forwarding bugfix release request we received on GNOME board list

Hi Philip!

On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 11:53 PM <philip chimento gmail com> wrote:

Hi Jehan,

Thanks. I'm glad to hear you have been in contact with this contributor.

Just to avoid any confusion, I have no comments on the GIMP release
schedule and no wish to interfere :-) I just wanted to make sure that the
contributor's message got to the right person, since it's better that they
discuss a possible release with you and not the GNOME board.

Of course. No problem there. ;-)
Have fun and a good upcoming week-end!



On Sat, Mar 30, 2019, 17:57 Jehan Pagès, <jehan marmottard gmail com>

Hello Philip,

We are in contact with this person (since this team does indeed the
Marathi translation, and I even helped them to get started as there was no
active Marathi coordinator so their initial contributions were stuck) and
were even aware of this specific request for a release (dating from January
as your email shows).

Back in January, I told Dr. Snehalata Shirude that we were hoping to do a
release soon, which unfortunately didn't happen in the end for various
reasons. We are still planning a release very very soon, though I cannot
say an exact date (same as I couldn't back then).

In any case, I am sorry to tell we cannot answer to requests for release.
It's done when it's done. Such is the saying. :-)

I am the first to hope we could have even more releases (though I don't
think we are too bad with 5 release since last April). Yet things are so
that we don't have the resources, neither have we the intention to speed up
things just because a university (or anyone/anything) uses GIMP, even
though it is very cool. I'm sure you understand as I doubt that GNOME would
speed up its release as well if it were to receive the same request, right?

Still thanks for relaying.
Have a good Sunday!


On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 7:06 PM philip.chimento--- via
gimp-developer-list <gimp-developer-list gnome org> wrote:

Hi GIMP developers!

On the GNOME board list we received a request from a university that is
using GIMP to teach a course. They would appreciate a bugfix release with
updated Marathi translations that, as far as I could tell from looking at
the commit log, have already been contributed by the requester and

I don't know what your release schedule is, and I would not presume to
interfere in it, but I would just like to make you aware of the request.

Best regards,
Philip Chimento
GNOME Board of Directors

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Snehalata Shirude <snehalata shirude gmail com>
Date: Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 10:50 PM
Subject: Invitation ...
To: <board-list gnome org>
Further it is very kind request to you to please release the GIMP with
translations of Marathi before start of our course. This will allow
participants of the course to download the GIMP and use it for practice
Marathi on their machines easily.
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