Re: [Gimp-developer] maximize work area


Leave single window mode.
Press TAB to hide docking windows.
Maximize working windows.
Change Working windows by using functionality of the operating system.
Press Tab to show docking windows.
There's no way to make it bigger.

 Onkel Hatti

Am 28.06.2014 12:49, schrieb Johann:

please maximize the work area when working with multiple images. (Especially in full-window mode)
The idea to have a quick visual reference displayed as tabs is great, but eats workspace. The tab area should be 
reserved to the discretion of the user, as a custom setting in preferences. And have a checkmark entry in the 
application toolbar menus too, to complete things.  I prefer the good old "open  images" -tab in dock-its 
less smart than tabs, but works great.



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