Re: [Gimp-developer] About closing feature requests as invalid

On Sat, 2014-04-19 at 13:29 -0300, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
Even if the text always contain "looks a nice idea, let's talk about
it on the mailing list",
the "invalid'", if only for the status name means... "invalid". It is
not a nice word to receive
as an evaluation for what one thinks is a cool idea to the program

Yes - we use bugzilla at for some of the XML specs, and this has
been a concern for us too.

Our response for (say) XQuery was that the bugzilla postings go to a
mailing list and we have discussion in the comments of the bug report -
that way everyone sees them.

So, I for one, feel like such requests in bugzilla should be left in
the "New" or "Unconfirmed" state,
with a text inviting the person to discuss it either her or on IRC,
stating that it might never
part from "unconfirmed" otherwise (but also, it could happen -
requests as simple as
having an option to display a Layer's size could be done by any of the
regular contributors
if he felt like it and had the time).

I think this is better - even though Sven was very polite, the commenter
will get mail that says "CLOSED - INVALID" and may well have to scroll
down to see the comments, which people unfamiliar with bugzilla are
unlikely to do.

I think also other GNOME projects do entertain at least a little
discussion of new features on bugzilla, and GIMP should be part of that
community too.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml

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