Re: [Gimp-developer] non-destructive editing and adjustment layers

El 01/09/13 17:22, kcleung users sourceforge net escribió:
Okay..... so do you mean that any non-GEGL plugins or filters should
be treated as not 32-bit compatible and is therefore capable of
silently clipping data?

What Alexandre is saying is that you won't have to worry about it when 2.10 is out, because that version won't be released until the rest of the legacy stuff is ported to GEGL. Due to the lack of manpower, using developers time to address something that is only relevant during development is a waste of time and efforts. If you're using 2.9 you should know that you are using a development version and things aren't ready yet. You asked and your answers were replied. You have a list of plugins that aren't ported to GEGL yet, you know the effect, you know how to tell if they are/aren't ported and you know that the legacy plugins won't stay like that whenever GIMP 2.10 is released. Do you still think developers should use their time to code warnings about it?


P.s.: This thread has been quite informative though. Anyone new to this development version will have a nice summary in the mailing list archives.

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