Re: [Gimp-developer] about that student work...

I agree; it would be beneficial for our SoC students to work with an
experienced UI designer.

I'm not involved in the SoC myself, but if an interaction designer
were to offer their time to help out, I'm fairly certain it would be
welcome. In particular, some people on irc have raised concerns about
how well the combined selection tool will turn out if only programmers
guide the student.

Of course, I cannot volunteer anyone else's time for them.

  -- drawoc

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 5:57 AM, peter sikking <peter mmiworks net> wrote:
Tobias Jakobs asked me in a comment on the blogpost


‘What does this mean for the Gimp team? Is it a good idea to use one ob this to redesign the tool or does 
it need more work?’

I answered:

‘Good question. One has to value this work for what it is, student work from a class that ran one week.

‘One the one hand a certain part of GIMP—in 2012 seam carving—that has never received any interaction 
design thought, gets methodically worked on by 3 or 4 teams of talented designers. The results are a shot 
in the arm for GIMP.

‘On the other hand a week is very short and for the students it is their first introduction to interaction 
design. Thus the presented results are alway an _inspired_start_ but not complete and deep enough for 

‘To do the methodical student work justice, the logical next step is that experienced interaction designers 
take the work forward and create a for-production design.’

This is of course relevant to the SoC.

ps: I am blogging the results of 2013 right now.


        founder + principal interaction architect
            man + machine interface works on interaction architecture

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